vrijdag 5 augustus 2011

Olivia & Lewis

Hi hi! It has been a while (again!), but I didn't feel like uploading my stuff that I made.
I actually hate to go searching for the CC that I use on sims and in houses. But it's your lucky day I suppose, because I got from my lazy ass and uploaded my 2 new babies and if you want to challenge your luck, I may upload 2 other babies of me in a few minutes, wait, you want to make of that a few hours or a few days!!
Enough rambling, you didn't come to read that, did you?

I've been working on these 2 lately and I think they finally may meet the world!
Also I want to excuse myself for the quality of the pics. Photobucket is a bad shit.

May I present to you, Lewis & Olivia.

Click on the pic for better quality
Click on the pic for better quality
Click on the pic for better quality
Click on the pic for better quality
Click on the pic for better quality
Click on the pic for better quality
Click on the pic for better quality
Click on the pic for better quality

Want to see them better? Go here: www.photobucket.com/Mimisapje
(It's my PB album, and while you at there you can see a lot of other pics of sims related stuff)

And now the stuff that I hate to find!





A special thanks to all the creators who made it possible!
Where do I install .savedsimfiles?
Save the file here:
C:\Users\Name\ Documents\Electronic Arts\De Sims 3\SavedSims

How do I install .sims3packagefiles?
-Save the file here:
C:\Users\Name\Documents\Electronic Arts\De Sims 3\Downloads
-Then open the Sims3menu
-Go to Downloads in the list
-Select the sim and choose install

2 opmerkingen: